retour liste de documents détaillée8 documents:

1to 8 of 8

Solar technologies can speed up vaccine rollout in Africa. Here's how 
press article - 2021 - 1 pp
Ed. The Conversation - London
Best Practices for Electrifying Rural Health Care Facilities with Decentralised Renewables 
report - 2020 - 54 pp
Ed. ARE - Bruxelles
Myanmar Cookstoves Market Assessment 
report - 2015 - 207 pp
Ed. GERES - Aubagne
Modern Energy Services for Health Facilities in Resource Constrained Settings 
publication - 2014 - 102 pp
Ed. OMS - Nouakchott OMS - Beirut OMS - Antananarivo OMS - Brazzaville
Solar PV System Maintenance Guide GUYANA Hinterlands Stand-alone Solar PV Installations 
guide - 2013 - 14 pp
Ed. USAID - Washington
Powering Health : Gestion de l'énergie dans votre centre de santé 
publication - 2010 - 70 pp
Ed. USAID - Washington
Smoke, health and household energy 
publication - 2007 - 148 pp
Ed. Practical Action - Rugby
Tracking SDG7 - The Energy progress Report 2021 Chapter 2 : Access to Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking 
report - 30 pp
Ed. ESMAP - Washington

1 to 8 of 8